Saturday, 31 October 2009

Nothing says i miss you quite like

poetry encarved in your door with a stanley knife.
(or just me wanting to cry because i know that i won't see you until at least Christmas)

Friday, 30 October 2009


^ i totally bought this today and i'm loving on it so hard. and i'm also loving on spending time with soph. we realised that it's not even awkward; it's just cotch.

(and hi coops)

Wednesday, 28 October 2009


i'm tired of being what you want me to be,

but i hope this helps.

Tuesday, 27 October 2009


matthew's 18th birthday party! i had the nicest nicest nicest time, and it was good to see some old faces again. :')

^ face fail but i don't even care. mc <33333333333333333333333333

Saturday, 24 October 2009

you're my sunshine

and i want you to know that my feelings are true, i really love you.

went out for birthday lunch with birthday boy Matthew Dean Peter Cooper, and his family. we had the nicest time, and managed to polish off a few pitchers of cheeky vimto mid afternoon. one of the best times yet!

Thursday, 22 October 2009


it's about £4 pizza hut and manchester and sophie and katie and kaz. it's about matthew and strange bed arrangements, and online ordering, and pasta. (but it's always about pasta so that's nothing new) it's about walking down claremont listening to the same song every time, and knowing where the first step is even with the lights turned out. pizza and curly fries, costcutter and youtubeXL. 'hello and smelcome win' and laughing; always always always. it's even about low ceilings, and slippy floors in comfy socks. sophie coming to stay, and having to make room for the spare bed, and knowing that the run towards the coach will be the best one yet. it's about blackberry photos, and photos that smudge in the rush. photos that need to be changed, but never ever forgotten. finding the time to go out of your way, and savouring the time reserved for yourself. ida coming over from Sweden, and the catch ups. spending time with the people who have been there the most, and remembering to appreciate the little things. spending time with my nans, especially when they need the company most. it's about the standard seats in the cinema, and silent laughter in media. double layers and double time. double booking and double takes. feeling the greatest that you've felt in as long as you can remember, and not being afraid to admit it.

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

There Are Listed Buildings.

I'm still loving you, like it was the first time ;) oh coooppss

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Sunday, 4 October 2009


honestly mate, you look sterling.

I DONT EVEN NEED TO WRITE ANYTHING HERE. apart from that i hit billy in the face with a cooked pizza and it was probably the funniest thing i have ever witnessed. trufaxx.

no u.