so we rediscovered Mario Kart Double Dash. howw exciting!
and my parents have gone on some trekk in the campervan without me, which is pretty un cool. but ma mere promised me that Paul would pick me up and drive me to meet them tomorrow. pretty cool.
similarly cool, my nans gave me 'money for easter', which was nice and unexpected, and politics was cancelled. my mum bought nice food for me and katy to eat., and then rogan rang and i cried laughing. i dont even remember what at, but it was funny.
i got really angry in english langauge, and had to stop myself having a breakdown. it felt like shirley was harshly criticising anything that i wrote, and im not used to that. = wahhhh. i get the feeling that she wouldnt mind if i mysteriously got ran over by an oil tanker. until, that is, she gets found out to have been the driver.
did you know that dogs have over 100 facial expressions? i could really have done with lending a few today.
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